First time visit?
We are so excited to meet you and your little one(s) as you prepare to visit us for the first time! We know that dropping your kids off somewhere new can be a little daunting, so we wanted to make sure you know what to expect when you head to Bibleopolis soon. We will greet and welcome you at the Bibleopolis Welcome Desk. Here, you will fill out a simple paper check-in sheet that will ask about your child’s name, age, grade, any special needs, and how to contact you during the service if needed. We will print name tags for your child, a roster tag for each group/room, and a security pick-up tag that will be given to our volunteers. We will then show your family around Bibleopolis, introduce you to your child’s leader, and do our best to pair them up with a friend. It’s that simple!
If you would like to speed up the process, you can fill out the digital guest form. Simply complete this form and proceed to the Bibleopolis Welcome Desk. We will have your family’s check-in tags and a welcome gift waiting for you!
If you would like to speed up the process, you can fill out the digital guest form. Simply complete this form and proceed to the Bibleopolis Welcome Desk. We will have your family’s check-in tags and a welcome gift waiting for you!