Culture Shift
on November 14th, 2016
As we look ahead and down the road of adding an additional service time in January, there are clearly some hurdles and roadblocks in the path. Two weeks ago we unwrapped the package through the “I will Go” initiative. The need is there for our congregation as a whole to add 300-400 additional volunteers across the board! This number includes children, student, worship, connection, and many other m...  Read More
I Will Go
on November 8th, 2016
This past weekend we launched our “I Will Go” campaign in each of our weekend services. As I have shared with you in previous blogs and from the pulpit, we are taking a step of faith, beginning in January 2017 and launching a 3rd Sunday Morning service in the Worship Center. Our weekend service schedule will be: Saturday at 6pm and Sunday at 8:45, 10, 11:30am. We will no longer have the Video Venu...  Read More
A Step of Faith
on October 25th, 2016
Earlier this month I announced in our weekend services, and in a “blog” I wrote called, “Living on Mission Takes a Big Commitment” that beginning in January 2017, we will be expanding our Sunday morning service schedule to 3 services in the Worship Center. I reminded you of how in January, during my “State of the Church” message, I shared about the need to expand our worship capacity and included ...  Read More
Small Things
on October 17th, 2016
One of the most encouraging truths of the Bible is how frequently God uses “small” things. Zechariah 4:10 asks the question, Who has despised the day of small things? That specific question is a reference to the fact that even though the rebuilding of the temple would result in one smaller than Solomon’s, it was clear that God’s blessing and pleasure was upon that work. Basically the prophet was s...  Read More
All In
on October 11th, 2016
In his book, All In, Mark Batterson writes: “Destiny is not a mystery. It’s a decision. And you are only one decision away from a totally different life. One decision can totally change your financial forecast. One decision can radically alter a relationship. One decision can lead toward health – spiritual, physical or emotional. And those defining decisions will become the defining moments of you...  Read More
Living on Mission Takes a Great Commitment
on October 6th, 2016
Back in January of this year, during my “State of the Church” message, I shared with you that I had been talking and praying with our elders and staff with regard to the need to increase our weekend worship capacity to insure that our church continued to have room to reach new people. At the time I shared the different options of building a new Worship Center on the Field of Dreams, expanding our ...  Read More
All Are Welcome Here
on September 12th, 2016
Chris Heurtz is the founder of “Gravity,” a center for contemplative activism and former Director of Word Made Flesh, an organization that helps the world’s poor. In his book, Simple Christianity, Heurtz tells the story of a night he and his wife, Phileena, were walking with two companions, Sarah and Josh, through the streets of a destitute region of South Asia. As they walked they came across a p...  Read More
The Power of IMPACT
on September 8th, 2016
In recent weeks we have changed the name of our Community Ministry Center (CMC) to the IMPACT Center. As you know the IMPACT Center houses our food and clothing ministry. Every week we celebrate IMPACT Thursday (morning, afternoon and evening sessions) and IMPACT Saturday (morning session) which provides opportunity for people in need to come and receive, not just physical help, but spiritual help...  Read More
It’s Been a Great Year – And It’s Not Over Yet.
on July 27th, 2016
As I write this blog, we’re a little more than halfway through the 2016 calendar, and it’s already been a great year at Mount Pleasant Christian Church. In fact, there’s not enough room in this blog to list all the great things that have happened so far. There was “Night to Shine” our first prom for special needs folks, Change the World week (over 400,000 meals prepared, the frames of 5 houses con...  Read More
Financial Freedom
on June 22nd, 2016
One of the things I love the most about Mount Pleasant Christian Church is that we are able to offer ministry opportunities to meet a variety of needs. No doubt that’s one of the reasons why we see all kinds of people in our community, oftentimes people who attend different churches, coming to us for things like Bible Study opportunities, Youth and Adult Sports opportunities, Counseling, Pre-schoo...  Read More
Focusing on Faithfulness
on June 20th, 2016
Because of my age, I, like many others in church, have a great love for the hymns of faith that I grew up singing when I was a boy. Now that doesn’t mean that I don’t love all the contemporary songs that we sing today, because I do…I absolutely do…I love todays songs just as dearly as those songs from the past. But whether or not you’re talking about the songs of yesterday or the songs of today, o...  Read More
How to do the Impossible
on February 2nd, 2015
I’ve got a confession to make. In this modern day of computers and a seemingly infinite number of software programs to help you manage your time and schedule more efficiently, I still use a good old fashioned “to do” list. I discovered a long time ago that something significant happens when I take a pen and paper and write down a list of the things I need to accomplish during a particular day or w...  Read More





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