real talk

People cannot grow without a rich understanding of the forces within them that motivate and control them. The Soul Care Ministry helps people uncover and attend to these often hidden or disguised governing forces within their troubled hearts.


What is Biblical counseling?
Biblical counseling helps you explore the issues of your life in order to connect you more fully to God and your heart amidst the challenges of life.

What can I work on through counseling?

The answer is whatever interferes with living the life Jesus intends for you (anger issues, loneliness, grief, anxiety, depression, marital struggles, etc.).

NOTE: Biblical counseling through MPCC’s Soul Care Ministry does not attempt to provide treatment for psychological or mental health disorders. If you desire such services, we are glad to refer you to a qualified professional in our community.

personal coaching

What is coaching?
Coaching helps you focus on specific areas of needed growth by helping you set goals and take action toward your preferred future.

What can I work on with a Coach?
Anything related directly or indirectly to growing in Christ, whether it is developing a quiet time, getting organized, losing weight, or learning to pray.

spiritual direction

What is Spiritual Direction?
Spiritual Direction (SD) helps you slow down, reflect, and direct your attention to the presence of God in your life and your relationship with Him.

What can I work on in Spiritual Direction?
The answer is anything that’s on your heart - stress, loneliness, discouragement, temptations, prayer, spiritual dryness, etc.

PRE-MARITAL counseling

What will we do in a premarital mentoring session?
You and your future spouse will meet six to eight times with a trained MPCC marriage mentor. In your sessions, you will review your results from the Prepare-Enrich inventory that you and your future spouse took prior to your mentoring sessions. You will discuss your current relationship strengths as well as areas of identified growth. Areas covered include, but are not limited to, communication, conflict, finances, personality, etc.

What do we need to know about the Prepare-Enrich inventory?
Both you and your future spouse must take the inventory. You will each take your inventory separately and apart from the other. As such, each of you must provide your own unique email address to register for the inventory. Your inventories will be emailed separately to each of your addresses. When you schedule to take your inventory, one of you will need to let us know whose credit card will be used to pay for the inventories and the scoring of them. The current cost is about $35, which covers both of the inventories. Inventory prices are subject to change.

How do we get started?
To get started, email Pastor Ken Jones and let him know you want to register for premarital mentoring. He will email you a short questionnaire. Your answers will help him match you with your premarital mentor.

couples counseling

What is marriage counseling?
In marriage counseling, couples will explore God’s design for marriage while examining the causes and patterns of marital breakdown.

What can we work on in marriage counseling?
Anything related to your marriage such as conflict resolution, developing intimacy, parenting as a team, relating to in-laws, communication, finances, etc.