college ministry

The transition from High School to College is important to us.

The College Age Ministry at Mount Pleasant provides a place for students to cultivate community with others in the same life stage as them. Our hope is to create a safe space to learn, grow and develop into the person God has created us to be. 

summer bible study

Are you a college student, home for the summer and looking for community? We want to invite you to join our College Summer Study! Our goal is to empower you to navigate life's challenges and uncertainties in your current season. Fellow college students lead this study. Join us starting Tuesday, May 28, from 7-9pm as we kick off a journey of spiritual growth. Whether you're seeking clarity on your life's direction or hoping to deepen your faith, we can't wait to embark on a summer of renewal, restoration, and fellowship through God's Word.

Join the GroupMe below to stay updated this summer!

serve with us

Navigating the transition from high school to college is tough; and we need committed adults to invest in the lives of the college-age students at MPCC. If you'd like to learn how to serve in this ministry, send us an email here