The Power of IMPACT

In recent weeks we have changed the name of our Community Ministry Center (CMC) to the IMPACT Center. As you know the IMPACT Center houses our food and clothing ministry. Every week we celebrate IMPACT Thursday (morning, afternoon and evening sessions) and IMPACT Saturday (morning session) which provides opportunity for people in need to come and receive, not just physical help, but spiritual help as well. Over the course of this year I and other staff and volunteers have enjoyed multiple opportunities to share the truth of God’s Word with these folks as well as sit and talk about their personal lives. I know this has had an IMPACT on many of these folks because it’s had an IMPACT on me.

In addition to our food and clothing ministry, we have also been able to use the IMPACT Center as a part of our IMPACT Chin ministry. The Chin people are refugees on the southside of Indianapolis who have come to the US from Myanmar because of religious persecution. We’ve had two groups of Chin believers worship in the IMPACT Center. Our first group has moved on to their own permanent church home after they grew from less than 100 to over 200, and our second group ended up outgrowing the IMPACT Center and now meet at 1pm each Sunday in our Chapel (they also utilize some of our classroom space). At the current time we are talking with a new group of Chin believers about meeting in the IMPACT Center. We are also currently receiving bids to equip the main meeting room of the IMPACT Center with audio and video capabilities that will enhance our ministry on IMPACT Thursday and Saturday as well as make it a better space for church services.

All this to say, “What a great resource!” A few years ago when we were involved in our “God @ Work” campaign to raise money to build the IMPACT Center along with increased classrooms, parking and maintenance space many in our church family gave sacrificially to this need. Let me tell you that your giving opened the door to multiple ministry opportunities that are changing the world for folks right here in Central Indiana. As a result, there’s not a day that goes by when I don’t think about the word IMPACT and how we can continue to grow as a church that is locally focused and globally engaged with an undeniable IMPACT for Christ.

Thankful for the power of IMPACT,
Pastor Chris

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