God@Work: It's Here!

Hey MPCC family, this weekend we’ll be receiving our special God@Work offering to help underwrite the cost of our current God@Work expansion plan. I’m excited to see the results of what happens when God’s people have the opportunity to pray and plan for generosity. I say pray and plan because I asked you to do those two very things all the way back in September 2012 as we wrapped up a sermon series called “30 Days to a More Generous Life.” In the last message from that series I shared the biblical truth that when God creates a need He always provides for the need and He does that, most often, through His people. I genuinely believe that God has created the need for ministry expansion here at Mount Pleasant. We needed the additional 185 parking spaces, the new maintenance building, the additional adult classroom space and the new Community Ministry Center to house and expand our food and clothing ministries. The overall cost of this expansion plan will be in the neighborhood of 4.3 million dollars. As I told you in an earlier letter, we will be able to pay for this through monies on hand, additional monies borrowed from The National Bank of Indianapolis and through this offering.

How cool will it be to knock out a huge part of this expense through this special offering? I’m praying that this weekend you will be prayed up and prepared to give. We’ll have special offering envelopes available for the God@Work gifts you’ll give over and above your regular offering. If you’re not going to be present then you can log onto our website and give your gift online. Also, even though we’ve been promoting this as a “one time” offering, if you’re not able to give this weekend or you’d like to give more than you’ve got available at this time then please know that the God@Work offering account will continue to be available to you as long as it’s needed. As we approach this offering I’m especially mindful of two verses. The first one is Proverbs 19:17 and it has a special application for our new Community Ministry Center that will be used to help people in need. He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward him for what he has done. (NIV) The second one is 2 Corinthians 9:7 which has a general application for what we do each and every week but even more this weekend. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (NIV) I’m looking forward to a great celebration this week! See you in church.

Jesus Cares,
Pastor Chris

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